So... I present everyone with my extremely limited itinerary.
Day 1: Leave Boulder County... at 3AM (I am hoping Lex will sleep through most of this leg!) Visiting the Pueblos of Hovenweep National Monument.
Day 2-4: Mesa Verde National Park to explore the anasazi cliff dwellings. Note: Athena has expressed her rather harsh opinion of this not being the Mayan ruins:)
Day 5-6: Petrified National Forest
Day 7-11: Grand Canyon where we will hike, enjoy nature and rock layers, actually, half the reason for this trip.
Day 12-13: Arches to study how nature created the arches;)...
Day 14-15: Dinosaur National Monument.
Day 16-21: Yellowstone and Grand Tetons. Grand Tetons will primarily be spent hiking but Yellowstone will have a strong focus on the Caldera (which Athena is obsessed with... free documentaries on volcanoes can apparently do that to a five/ six year old;)
Day 22-23: Travel home!
We are very excited for this trip and a HUGE thank you to James for relaxing alone for 23 days;)