Thursday, May 22, 2014

Less than a week!

Wednesday the girls and I are leaving for a three week geology/ anthropology/ archeology field trip. We have lived in Colorado four years now and amazingly, we have not traveled the west! I'm pretty certain that was part of the reason we made this move... but four years later I remember that we wanted our kids to live in a socially liberal area.

So... I present everyone with my extremely limited itinerary.

Day 1: Leave Boulder County... at 3AM (I am hoping Lex will sleep through most of this leg!) Visiting the Pueblos of Hovenweep National Monument.

Day 2-4: Mesa Verde National Park to explore the anasazi cliff dwellings. Note: Athena has expressed her rather harsh opinion of this not being the Mayan ruins:)

Day 5-6: Petrified National Forest

Day 7-11: Grand Canyon where we will hike, enjoy nature and rock layers, actually, half the reason for this trip.

Day 12-13: Arches to study how nature created the arches;)...

Day 14-15: Dinosaur National Monument.

Day 16-21: Yellowstone and Grand Tetons. Grand Tetons will primarily be spent hiking but Yellowstone will have a strong focus on the Caldera (which Athena is obsessed with... free documentaries on volcanoes can apparently do that to a five/ six year old;)

Day 22-23: Travel home!

We are very excited for this trip and a HUGE thank you to James for relaxing alone for 23 days;)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


On May 28th we will be leaving on a three week "geology field trip" which will kick off our "roadschooling" adventures. Athena became obsessed with geology this past fall and the interest grew.

She has become a little mosquito buzzing in my ears, begging me to pack.... BEGGING for two weeks.

I look forward to educational opportunities with my children but it doesn't mean I have to look forward to the packing, right?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Adventures of an Oppressed Housewife

I can't believe it's been three years since I have actively used Blogger! Life with two kids, a hospital stay on my part and a 50 day NICU stay, moving a few times and adjusting to homeschooling has taken a toll on my blogging motivation.

So much has changed in our lives over the past three years keeping our old blog seemed strange but I wanted to keep part of it so we stuck with the oppression themed title.

My maternal grandmother many years ago told me not to get married until I was 25. We had Athena when I was 22... which meant, in her eyes, I was doomed to suffer a life of oppression as a housewife.

Thankfully, my oppressor is pretty dang cool and "forces" me to homeschool and interact with our kids which has led to amazing adventures as a housewife, mother and now homeschooler. I look forward to a whirlwind of adventures in the coming years with him and the offspring we created.